There are two opportunities to work with Zoey 1:1

Are you ready to get serious about transforming your relationship with yourself and your life? Inside of Zoey’s 1:1 Life Coaching container you will feel empowered as you to dig deeply, honestly, and objectively into your energy and unconscious thought patterns. It is only from the place of truly looking at what has been holding you back that you have the opportunity to clear out inhibitions at the root level to create long-term change. CORE Energy Coaching™ can be applied to any area of your life, and will rapidly transform your life from the inside-out. If you’re ready to do the work to embody your highest potential, this program is for you. Zoey’s 1:1 Program is three months in length and includes 1:1 CORE Energy Coaching sessions each week. Expect miracles, magic and colossal manifestations!

1:1 Life Coaching Program

“Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world.” - T Harv. Eker


Another opportunity to work with Zoey is through her Iboga Integration Program. This program is a unique combination of 1:1 Core Energy Coaching, Bwiti Wisdom & IPEC’s Law of Being program. This specialized approach to integration ensures individuals receive a high level of support through their plant medicine integration journey with tools that empower them to create the life they have always imagined for themselves. Zoey’s Iboga Integration Program is a 4-month commitment and includes 7x 60 minute CORE Energy Coaching Sessions, an Energy Leadership Index Assessment + 90 minute debrief (valued at $500), as well as a 12-module course.

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.”

- Aristotle

Certifications & Credentials:

IPEC Certified Professional Life Coach

Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner

CORE Dynamics Transitions Specialist

IAKP Advanced Kambo Practitioner

4x Published Author

Verified YouTuber

Certified Ho’oponopono Practitioner

Law of Being Practitioner

Certified EFT Tapping Practitioner

Trance Channeling Mediumship

Long Life Qigong

A letter to you

We are all immortal spiritual beings having a temporary human experience and I understand that can be deeply challenging at times. I want you to know you are never alone in this journey - no matter how persistent the ego can be in certain moments.

I take my role as your Life Coach very seriously; holding a safe, non-judgemental space and your highest potential in mind. My approach is genuine, direct and extremely potent. I am not afraid of darkness, and we will explore the depths of you until we release the root cause of your pain, dissatisfaction and un-fulfillment. The deeper you go, the better you feel.

Core Energy Coaching™ is powerful and you will not recognize yourself (in the best way!) after moving through a 3-month container with me. Know that the Coaching sessions are a safe space to fully express and share who you are. I am here to see you, hear you and support you unconditionally.

Love Zoey x



This contact form is ONLY for those serious about working with Zoey. This form is for 1:1 Life Coaching or Mastermind inquiries only. Zoey’s Life Coaching programs are high ticket offers beginning at $3,000 and require a deep level of commitment.